Monday, April 24, 2017

Rasputitsa 2017, East Burke, Vermont, USA

What another great event by the Rasputitsa Gravel Road Race crew! It was rainy, cool and soggy which for me equals perfect #gravelgrinding conditions.
Friday night check-in was a breeze and most enjoyable with beers and food available, live music and great vibe to boot. The Rasputitsa pint glass was a nice touch!
I fell asleep to the sound of a Barred Owl hooting through the thick fog. Saturday morning came quickly as I lay on my camping cot in the back of my truck, fatbike at my side, staring at me, ready to roll.
My trusty Specialized Bicycles Fatboy coupled with my Lauf Forks Carbonara fork and Woven Precision Handbuilts carbon wheelset got the 58km course done is just over 2h35min (my goal for 2017) at 2h36min, giving me a 7th in the Fatbike category! Link to Fatbike results: Rasputitsa 2017 Fatbike category
Overall, the start was smooth with a clean roll-out on some pavement for a couple K's. The course was consistent with some rolling gravel followed by lung-busting climbs. These old Ontario legs are sleepy these past few days. Going up Siberia was great on the fatbike, even having to walk a short section cause the slush, ice, mud, snow was so chewed up it was rather impassable, with all other riders walking up as I politely asked to ride through, only to pass about 50 riders and slide-out onto my side!
I cannot complain with being one minute over my goal, given the sloppiness of some of the sections, including the new cx format finish to the course, complete with mud, barriers, stairs and a couple berms. It was all very much enjoyed, including the fantastic post-race venue, complete with deliciously prepared and served-to-you food, music, beers and free massages too.
Gear choice for the day proved to be bang on, as the rain continued to fall pre-start, I found myself leaning more and more towards lighter but more waterproof layers, as opposed to thicker thermal layers, that would eventually saturate with rain and sweat. I did wear my LAKE MX303 boots and was very happy about that choice, as well as my OR waterproof gloves. I could've maybe done without the ghetto-style cut-off rain pants but in the end, they took the brunt of the wet and cold keeping the 'important' parts comfortable while in the saddle.
Note(s) for next year: bring only 1 bottle as they provide a full bottle on-course. Get more up front in start line coral.
Ascending Cyberia thanks to the fat tires!
Descending Cyberia....i pulled a Peter Sagan and clipped this guys jersey!

Back of the truck sleep set-up. 

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